
Types describe the shape that information is expected to take, through rules and constraints associated with it.

What are types?

Types provide us with the ability to describe the form or “shape” we expect information to be in.

Four sorts of types exist in HASH:

  1. Entity types
  2. Link types
  3. Property types
  4. Data types

A type is something that defines the rules and constraints associated with one of the above (entities, links, properties, or data values).

Casual users of HASH may never need to know about or create/edit types at all. However, as you customize your workspace and hope to get more out of it, you may want to familiarize yourself with entity types, to represent the types of things you care about more exactly. As time goes on, you can learn more about link, property and data types – although these are typically only touched by more advanced users of HASH.

More about types

Entity types

We describe entity types in detail on the entity types page.

Link types are described on the links page.

Property types

Property types are described on the properties page.

Data types

Data types are detailed on the data types page.

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