
Values are the information contained within a single property on a specific instance of an entity.

What are values?

Values are the information contained within a single property on a specific instance of an entity.

For example: consider the @schema/Person entity type, and an instance of it. We’ll call this entity Alex.

  • One of the properties that our entity type @schema/Person expects is jobTitle.
  • Alex is a pastry chef.
  • Where the property jobTitle appears on our entity, Alex, its value may be set to "Pastry Chef".

Manual enrichment

If you have two datasets containing overlapping entities, but mismatching property values, you can merge these upon importing them in HASH.

You can also manually enter values into entity’s properties by hand. For some entity types, specific blocks exist which assist in the process of efficiently capturing this information.

Automated enrichment

Through HASH’s forthcoming integrations feature you’ll be automatically able to keep entity’s properties in sync with other applications and databases you already use.

Third-party lookup enrichment

If an entity’s properties are properly typed, it may be possible to automatically infer their values by checking them against external providers of data.

For example, there are services which when provided with:

  • an email address -- will attempt to return the name of the account holder, and their social media account usernames;
  • an IP address -- will return the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and approximate geographic location;
  • a credit card number -- will return the issuing bank, type of card, etc.

In the future you will be able to perform third-party lookup enrichment directly within HASH, making it easy to construct and maintain a high-quality, up-to-date graph.

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