
Ensure only authorized parties can access your data


Authorization and authentication are handled directly by HASH, helping you control access to information, providing the right people with the appropriate level of visibility and control over data, and no more.


For information about sharing pages, entities and types, see sharing.

Default entity visibility

By default, entities created in a web are private to its members:

  • In the case of your personal web, this means only you can view the information that gets added, or access it in any way at all.
  • In the case of a shared web, entities will be visible and editable to all members of the organization.

In all cases, you can override these default settings to share information with others, or lock information down even more tightly (in the case of content stored in shared webs with multiple members).

Advanced permissions

Beyond simple sharing, support for role-, rule-, and attribute- based authorization exists in HASH.

We'll be exposing HASH's full permissioning system to users in a future update, and will update these docs accordingly then.

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