
Set goals for workers to follow


You can provide AI workers in HASH with goals, which they'll attempt to satisfy on your behalf.

Right now, workers are well-suited to solving research and analysis goals, including:

  • complex, many-step analysis tasks that require the computation of novel metrics;
  • targeted deep-dive research according to specific criteria;
  • open-ended, general domain mapping, or knowledge graph generation.

In the future, we'll expand the kinds of goals that workers can help support, and the complexity of the tasks they can undertake on your behalf.

You can view workers' activity on goals much like you can the progress of a flow. However, unlike a flow, whose steps are fixed, the steps in a goal may vary.

While a worker may initially "plan" the steps it intends to take at the outset, when working on a goal, it will also continuously evaluate whether steps need to be added, updated, or removed to fulfil the goal.

Individual goals may be serviced by many workers at once, speeding up the rate at which it can be fulfilled.

Viewing goals

You can view both active and historical goals by clicking the "Workers" tab in your left-hand sidebar at any time.

Active goals will appear at the top. Historical goals — those marked as either "complete" or "abandoned" — appear in the section beneath.

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