
Links between different entities represent the relationships and connections between them.

Links between entities reflect a relationship or other type of connection between them.

For example, a Person entity may be considered linked to a Political Party entity if they have donated to them, or stood for an election on their behalf.

Entities may have one or more links to entities of any number of types. For example, a Person may be linked to more than one Political Party. They may also be linked to more than just a Political Party. They may have a Sports Team, links to many other Person entities, and a day job linking them to an employer Company entity as well.

Links have types. Not all links imply the same thing. We infer meaning through links from their types. A link may indicate current membership, or former membership. It may indicate a positive relationship or a negative one.

Links may be directed or undirected. Directed links imply that a relationship between two entities is not 'equal' -- for example, two entities may have a Mother <> Child relationship. In this case one entity is the literal parent of another, and it is impossible for the reverse to be true. Similarly, two entities Boss and Employee may be connected by a directional link that conveys the power dynamic governing their relationship.

Undirected links may either be bidirectional (equally mirrored) or their nature may not yet be known.

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