Data Types

Data types describe a space of possible values through the specification of constraints

What are data types?

Data types describe a space of possible valid values. For instance, the string value foo might be an instance of a Text data type, or a float value of 0.6 might be an instance of a Number data type.

Data types describe their possible values by specifying constraints. For an instance of a value to be valid, it must satisfy the constraints expressed on the associated data type.

Data types consist of the following:

  • a required url, which is a globally unique identifier, where the data type’s definition can be accessed (in most cases this will be a URL)
  • a required name, which should generally be a non-pluralized short description of the data type (for example: “Number” not “Numbers”)
  • optionally a description to further explain the semantic meaning of the data type
  • a required definition of its possible value

Top-level data types in HASH

The Block Protocol specifies a set of primitive top-level data types, which we use in HASH.

These can be considered the least restrictive value spaces:

  • Text
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • Null
  • Object

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