Reporting Abuse or Spam


HASH provides a baseline code of conduct for everyone who uses its services. For more information, see our General Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.

You can report users that have violated either of these policies through our support form. You can also report many types of content inline from within the HASH platform directly.

Certain types of content may also be reported directly to an entity, type or other project's maintainers, if they have opted in to provide a first line of moderation for their own published content and pages.

Users in India can contact HASH's Grievance Officer for India using our support form.

Submitting a Report

Reporting an account

Contact us using the support form, including a link to the user or organization's account profile page, and a complete report about the user's behavior.

Reporting a comment or discussion thread

Contact us using the support form, including a link to the offending user-posted comment or discussion thread, and a complete explanation of why you think it breaks any of our terms or policies.

Reporting content on HASH

Contact us using the support form, including a link to the HASH entity, type or other page and a complete explanation of what policy a listing contravenes.

Any other report

Contact us using the support form, including as much information as you can.

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