Single Synthetic Environment

Single synthetic environments allow you to build, run, and analyze data-driven models and simulations.

A Single Synthetic Environment is the ultimate ecosystem for creating and utilizing data-driven simulations. They are composed of models, data, and simulation infrastructure. When a model in the environment is run, this creates a simulation which can generate analytics and insights. The models and data can reflect the current state of real-world systems, or potential and synthetic states of interest to the users.

The models in these scalable environments can be composed in layers, allowing separate physical and abstract systems to connect and function jointly or independently. For instance, a model of a city could include a traffic layer, electric utility layer, and municipal budget and finances layer. The data seeding these environments can also be sourced independently, and in HASH can even be streamed to prevent data drift.

Single Synthetic Environments in HASH are sharable, permitting multiple modelers and engineers to improve existing layers and develop new ones. Multiple organizations or users can make use of them, allowing a single environment to be used to answer many different types of questions.

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