
Arrays are collections of variables or values, each of which can be identified by at least one key (e.g. their order in an array).

In programming, arrays are collections of variables or values, each of which can be identified within the array by at least one "key" (typically its position in the array). Arrays themselves can in turn also be variables or values.

Some data types are arrays. For example, Color when expressed as an RGB value, contains three numbers which refer to the relative amount of red, green, and blue light that make up a color (each on a scale of 0 to 255). For example, 0,0,0 is white, 255,0,0 is red, 0,0,255 is blue, and 255,255,255 is black.

In HASH, arrays are found in the context of property types. Property types describe the acceptable value(s) that a property can have. They are either expressed as data types, property objects (other property types, nested within the parent), or arrays (which can contain data-typed values, property objects, or further nested arrays).

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