
Collaborating as a team on HASH


Organizations (or "orgs") are essentially 'groups' created by users in HASH, with their own dedicated web. These shared webs make it easy to collaborate with other users, manage work around a particular project or area, and separate out work from home.

Orgs can contain one or more members, with no upper limit, provided at least one member holds the organization role of Owner, responsible for managing it in HASH.

Like users, orgs also have their own public profile.

Creating an org

You can create an org by clicking the "Create organization" button on your Settings > Organizations dashboard, in HASH. You will need to enter a display name (e.g. Acme Corp), and an account name (e.g. @acmecorp) for the organization, after which you will be able to invite other members.

Shared webs

When you create an organization, you'll note that it has its own web. This shared web is a separated space for information, distinct from your personal web, with a different set of default permissions.

Whereas in your personal web, by default, new information is visible only to you, in a shared web it may be accessible to all other members of the org.

Visibility and access permissions can be controlled on a per-entity and per-type basis to override these defaults.

Inviting others

Depending on an org's settings, its members may invite others to join it at any time. On Team and Ultra plans, the ability for members to invite others can be disabled.

To do so, visit the Organizations page in HASH, and click on the organization you wish to invite another user to join. Next, click on the "Members" tab, followed by the "Invite new members" button once the page has loaded.


Roles allow different members of an org to hold different permissions in relation to its management and maintenance.

  • Owners of an org may add or remove any member of an org, including other owners, and have full access to all org settings. This includes the ability to change the role of any member.
  • Administrators of an org have the same set of permissions as owners, except that they cannot add or remove the owner role from a member, nor can they remove users with the owner role from the organization.
  • Members have access to a web, but cannot change their own or any other user's role.


Similar to users, orgs have their own profiles.

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