
Canvases and documents

Creating and editing pages is only available to Team and Ultra users of HASH.


Pages let you render, manipulate, and create entities and their attributes through blocks.

What are pages?

Pages consist of several things:

  1. A title and an icon. These help you identify pages quickly, appearing at the top of each page, as well as in the left-hand sidebar, navigational breadcrumbs, and in other links to pages.
  2. The ability to insert any number of blocks. Pages allow you to insert blocks, which are quite literally the fundamental building blocks of HASH, used to contain and display any and all information.
  3. Comments, which can be attached to blocks, and allow users to react to or reference information in the context of a page (for example, asking questions, or adding their own thoughts).
"A page with blocks and a comment"

Types of pages

Pages come in two forms:

  • Documents which support displaying blocks linearly
  • Canvases which support the freeform arrangement of blocks, a bit like a whiteboard. These work great for brainstorming, visually arranging information, and when working in 3D/VR and AR/mixed reality spatial environments (for example using the Apple Vision Pro, or Meta Quest).

Accessing pages

All of the pages you have access to can be found in your left-hand sidebar, under the name of the web they exist inside of. Each page (like any entity) only exists in one web at a time. However, you can easily drag and drop pages in the sidebar to re-order them, or even move them between webs.

Creating a page

You can click the + button in the left-hand sidebar of HASH, next to the section bearing name of the web you wish to create them inside.

You can also create a new page using the + button in the top-right of navigation bar. New pages created from here will by default be added to your private web, unless you select another location at the point of creation. Pages can easily, however, be moved later.

Archiving a page

You can archive a page if you no longer need it by clicking the button to the right of its title in HASH's left-hand sidebar, and selecting “Archive page”. Archived pages do not appear in the sidebar, and will be excluded from appearing in HASH search results by default, but can still be loaded by navigating directly to a page's full URL. When viewing an archived page, a banner at the top of the page clearly communicates that the current page has been archived.


Pages can have an unlimited number of sub-pages. In terms of features, sub-pages are identical to pages, differing only in that they are nested under a parent page in the left-hand sidebar. A page with subpages will have an arrow shown to the left of its title in the sidebar. Clicking this icon will show or hide the list of sub-pages. When viewing a sub-page, breadcrumbs at the very top of the page will show its parent page(s).

Sharing pages

By default, pages are private to members of the web they are contained within. However, stricter or more permissive sharing options may be chosen.

All pages within a web are stored in its page tree. However, just because a page appears in a tree, it doesn't mean that the page will be visible to everybody else with access to the web (i.e. all of its other members). Private pages can exist within shared webs, visible to a limited subset of an org's members.

When making pages publicly viewable to users who are not members of a web, by default it is still the case that only members of the web which owns the page will be able to edit it.

Learn more about sharing >

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