Supported data
SlackLinear Workspace
The below Linear Workspace properties are one-way synced.
The Workspace's avatar (square)The Workspace's name in LinearA Workspace's email addressSlackLinear View
The below Linear View properties are one-way synced.
The View's avatar (square)The View's name in LinearA View's email addressSlackLinear Roadmap
The below Linear Roadmap properties are one-way synced.
The Roadmap's name in LinearA user's email addressThe below Linear Roadmap properties are full-way synced.
The Roadmap's avatar (square)SlackLinear User
The below Linear User properties are one-way synced.
The user's name in LinearA user's email addressThe below Linear User properties are full-way synced.
The user's avatar (square)Unsupported data
The following entity types are not currently supported by this integration.Vote below to help us prioritize those which you care about.
SlackLinear Insights Report
Dashboard reports showing Linear’s “Insights” graphs are not exposed via Linear’s API, so cannot (yet) be synced with HASH.
Did you know?
SlackLinear Something Else
Something else, and an explanation why unsupported.
SlackLinear Something New
Something else, and an explanation why unsupported.
How the integration works
Choose what to sync, where
- Sync from specific Linear Teams, keeping private information private with ease
- Alternatively, sync the entire contents of a Linear Workspace which is visible to you
If you can’t see Linear data you’re expecting, follow the steps below:
- Check to ensure the entity type you’re looking for is on the list of supported entity types for this integration.
- Ensure that the Linear workspace you’re syncing from contains at least one entity of the type check the external icon you’re looking for.
- Ensure that the account tier (subscription level) of your Linear Workspace supports the kind of data you’re looking for. Certain entity types such as Linear SLAs and Linear Audit Log items require Linear’s paid “Plus” plan.
- Read the tutorial this text here is followed by the support icon Contact HASH Support this is the other random test content for test here Hash settings the rest of the contents here Contact HASH Team
If you can’t see Linear data you’re expecting, follow the steps below:
- Check to ensure the entity type you’re looking for is on the list of supported entity types for this integration.
- Ensure that the Linear workspace you’re syncing from contains at least one entity of the type you’re looking for.
- Ensure that the account tier (subscription level) of your Linear Workspace supports the kind of data you’re looking for. Certain entity types such as Linear SLAs and Linear Audit Log items require Linear’s paid “Plus” plan.
If you can’t see Linear data you’re expecting, follow the steps below:
- Check to ensure the entity type you’re looking for is on the list of supported entity types for this integration.
- Ensure that the Linear workspace you’re syncing from contains at least one entity of the type you’re looking for.
- Ensure that the account tier (subscription level) of your Linear Workspace supports the kind of data you’re looking for. Certain entity types such as Linear SLAs and Linear Audit Log items require Linear’s paid “Plus” plan.
If you can’t see Linear data you’re expecting, follow the steps below:
- Check to ensure the entity type you’re looking for is on the list of supported entity types for this integration.
- Ensure that the Linear workspace you’re syncing from contains at least one entity of the type you’re looking for.
- Ensure that the account tier (subscription level) of your Linear Workspace supports the kind of data you’re looking for. Certain entity types such as Linear SLAs and Linear Audit Log items require Linear’s paid “Plus” plan.
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