Collate ‘impractical’ data
Unlock ‘impossible’ insights

Consulting firms require access to statistics calculable through public-source research

However, assembling these datasets can be time-consuming and often requires extracting information from a wide variety of sources, in differing formats, and of varying levels of quality or cleanliness.

HASH uses AI to convert requirements into a research plan that it then executes

Collected data is checked against multiple sources, and returned fast, alongside source materials and a confidence assessment. HASH can be deployed entirely on autopilot, or used as a tool to speed up existing researchers.

Case Study


Real-world example

...from a Partner at a top global management consultancy

“I need the top 10 shareholders of the FTSE 350 for each year from 2015-2023, including their % shareholding”


Before HASH

...later that day, after some scoping, the firm’s research department provide the following estimates:


60 hours


1,000 USD

Does the partner want to commission the research?



HASH determines the inputs required to provide the requested data, and where these can be found, before executing its plan.


2-4 hours

15-30x faster



95-99% lower

How It Works
Example FlowFinding the top ten FTSE 350 shareholders for each year from 2015-2023, including their % shareholding
Step 1.

Find the FTSE 350 firms for each year of 2015-2023 (inclusive)



Searches the internet

Conduct a Google search for “FTSE 350 historical constituents”

Visits result pages, extracts information

Follow linked results, assessing their relevance, and extracting any useful information identified on them.

Refines queries for follow-up searches
    As required: intelligently search additional keywords and phrases to find missing data
    For verification: seek out supporting (and contradictory) data sources, checking for consistency
Step 2.

Find shareholder ownership data for each of these listed firms




Legal Entity

Searches the internet

Conduct a Google search for “[company] annual report [year]” (per FTSE 350 constituent, annually)

Visits result pages, downloads files (as required), and extracts information
    Download PDFs, DOCs and other files linked, and upload them to HASH for provenance purposes and processing
    Identify and extract structured and semi-structured information such as tables, charts, graphs, text
    Identify entities within these (and their semantic ‘types’)
    Assess relevance of the information collected, looking for relevant company shareholder information
    Output the resulting data (per-company, per-year largest % owners)
Refines queries for follow-up searches
    As required: in case of missing data, run alternative searches to attempt to ascertain the information
    For verification: attempt to validate and cross-check information by finding additional sources to compare outputs to
Step 3.

Find the market capitalization of each firm in order to understanding their weight within the index


Market Cap

Searches the internet

Conduct a Google search for “[company] market capitalization”

Visits result pages, and extract information

Follow linked results, find historical results data, and save these on a per-company basis so that year-end market capitalization can be sampled, or average market capitalization over a calendar year determined.

Refines queries for follow-up searches
    As required: in case of missing data, run alternative searches to attempt to ascertain the information
    For verification: validate outputs by finding alternative data providers to double-check data against
Step 4.

Calculate required metrics using the accumulated data and output


FTSE 350 Net Market Cap

FTSE 350 Stake
(£ value)

FTSE 350 Stake
(% of index)

Determine total FTSE 350 annual net market capitalization

Sum the total market capitalization of all FTSE 350 constituents as of December 31st each year

Determine total FTSE 350 holdings per major shareholder

Where the same investors appear as major shareholders across different companies, use their % holding information, and the market cap of each company, to determine the nominal £ value of their combined holdings across all FTSE 350 firms.

Determine each major shareholder’s relative ownership stake of the FTSE 350 index

Using the metrics calculated in the previous steps, ascertain each major shareholder’s holdings as a percentage of the overall FTSE 350 index net market capitalization.

Output the results
    Optionally trigger an email, SMS, Slack message, or Teams notification upon completion.
    Sync the results to a spreadsheet, or another external application.
    Review and use outputted data directly within HASH.

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