Use Cases
A few example ways in which HASH can be used

By Area

By Capability

Better AI
Auto-ingest your dataConnect existing services and data sources

Sync structured and unstructured information, including files, emails and other communications.

Auto-process new filesExtract structured data from info upon ingest

Auto-generate optimized embeddings, identify individuals via facial recognition, isolate text and objects within images or videos... and more.

Auto-construct knowledge graphsExtract entities and the links between them

Automatically extract entities from documents and improve the information provided to LLMs as context. HASH updates existing entities when information changes.

Improve GPT knowledge & capabilitiesNoticeably better results than other RAG solutions

HASH webs combine knowledge graphs with a datastore that is uniquely well suited to return relevant, high-quality context.

Trust AI with confidenceMake decisions based on actual confidence

Understand why GPTs provide the answers they do, see confidence intervals for answers, and view the exact information used.

Better Data
Passively capture knowledgeAI builds your knowledge graph as you browse

As you browse the web, information you care about is automatically added to your web (people, companies, or anything else you choose).

Automatic updatesAutomate checking for new and updated data

Ensure your web remains up to date with AI that rechecks webpages for information.

An easy, powerful databaseAdd “types” to Notion, AirTable & Google Sheets

Use HASH directly, or improve the tools you already use by connecting them to HASH.

A coworker you can talk toGet work done by talking to HASH

Use your keyboard and mouse, or optionally just tell HASH what you want to do. “Create a meeting outline”, “Show me data related to market sizing”, “Find me a list of companies that use X”.

No more dead linksZero-effort backups of everything you link to

Get a link to any webpage as it existed at a given point in time, and even leave comments or notes upon it, which you can share with others.

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More superpowers

Additional use cases we plan to unlock in upcoming updates

Core Capabilities

2-way sync for all your data

Map information from databases and applications to “semantic” entities in your graph, and sync it between all of them... even those that represent the same data differently.

Human-in-the-loop workflows

Automation platforms can’t always keep up with multi-user, real-world requirements, or “fallback” to AI agents when human operator SLAs are missed... but HASH can.

Powerful no-code tool building

No-code usually means bad. By treating both frontend components (blocks) and structured data (entities) as first-class citizens, HASH enables extremely efficient, high-quality internal toolbuilding by non-technical domain experts.

Agent-based simulations

Faced with the biggest distribution challenge of our time, public health modelers turned to HASH to optimize the rollout of vaccines. We’ll be rolling out this same agent-based modeling technology to all users in the future.

Learn more about how HASH multi-objective optimization was used in response to COVID

Save Time

Improve legacy software

Stuck using slow, buggy old software? By combining HASH’s 2-way data sync and no-code tool building, anybody can build better interfaces atop of their data, no matter where it’s trapped.

Automate data compliance

Identify and securely manage PII. Track and comply with data retention and deletion requirements across jurisdictions.

Automate recurring reports

Automatically compile usage data, financial information, project management progress or other information into a regular report

Save Money

Consolidate SaaS applications

Replace a multitude of costly SaaS applications with free, often vertically-tailored HASH apps that provide the same or better functionality.

Build vs buy, but not as you know it

The normal “build vs buy” calculus is flipped on its head, as the cost of finding and even customizing best-in-class apps is radically reduced. Case study coming soon.

Interested in learning more about what we’re building?
Read more about our roadmap

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