
Wolframs Cellular Automata

This simulation models any of Wolfram's one-dimensional cellular automata rules. The rule number is set in the globals.json file.

This simulation models any of Wolfram's one-dimensional cellular automata rules. The rule number is set in the globals.json file.

A "rule" is interpreted as in the following example for Rule 30:

30 is represented as binary string 0011110b. Each bit corresponds to whether a given parent arrangement produces a cell in the next row. The diagram below shows this correspondence (top to bottom is left to right), with a 1 meaning an agent must be present, and vice versa.

(left top right)

(111) - no new agent (110) - no new agent (101) - no new agent (100) - new agent (011) - new agent (010) - new agent (001) - new agent (000) - no new agent

Some rules will produce fractals, some are chaotic and can be used to generate pseudo-random numbers, and some will produce regular patterns. See the comments in the properties tab for suggested rules to experiment with.

Some fractal rules: 27, 60, 126, 182 Some chaotic rules: 30,

The single_agent_start global property controls whether the CA begins frmo a single point or a line.

Cellular Automata Rule 30