
Hospital Patient Processing

This simulation demonstrates the operation of an emergency department, with multiple types of personnel and operations needed on different patients. Patients enter the simulation and undergo a triage and treatment with either an ultrasound or xray sc

This simulation demonstrates the operation of an emergency department, with multiple types of personnel and operations needed on different patients. Patients enter the simulation and undergo a triage and treatment with either an ultrasound or xray scan, and then they are released.

Model Operation

All patients go through the following steps:

  1. Registration
  2. Wait for an available nurse
  3. Seen by a nurse in the triage room
  4. Return to the waiting room and wait for available emergency center room
  5. Seen by a PA
  6. Have a Tech perform either an ultrasound or an xray
  7. Exit the hospital


Patient Processing Time The first plot allows us to see how long it takes for the average patient to be fully processed (triaged and scanned). In general you'll notice the average rising over time as backlogs of patients are built since there are a limited number of rooms and personnel.

Personnel Usage The second plot allows us to see what percentage of the emergency department personnel are actively working (with a patient) at any given moment.


The defined experiments allow you to exeriment with increasing or decreasing the staffing of nurses, pas, techs, and ultrasound machines. By observing the results you may be able to find staffing configurations that allow for efficient use of personnel and reduced patient processing time.


Tall agents represent people Flat agents represent rooms Half-size gray agents represent the ultrasound machines

  • People
    • Blue - Patients
    • Cyan - Nurses
    • White - Physician Assistant (pa)
    • Yellow - Tech operator (tech)
  • Rooms
    • Blue - Registration desk
    • Purple - Waiting room
    • Green (left) - Triage rooms
    • Green (right) - Emergency Center rooms
    • Red - Exit
    • Brown - Xray room
    • Gray - Ultrasound storage
    • Cyan - Nurse waiting room
    • White - PA waiting room
    • Yellow - Tech waiting room